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0:00 I play Coromon – w/ Jaelynn, Rodrigo, Luis, and Jacob in the call
2:17 Ben joins the call
3:41 Luis shares a great video w/ Jaelynn & I
4:49 I play Sonic Mania – w/ Jaelynn & Luis in the call
7:10 Rodrigo, Jacob, Holden and I watch Jaelynn play Terraria
10:00 The first mention of The Mixture
11:27 I play Kingdoms and Castles – W/ Jaelynn & Rodrigo in the call
12:24 Jacob joins the call
16:02 Luis joins the call
17:25 I play – w/ Rodrigo, Luis, and Jacob in the call
18:07 Jaelynn joins the call
20:13 I watch Jaelynn play Terraria
21:29 Rodrigo, Jacob, and Adam join the call
27:31 I watch Jaelynn play Terraria – w/ Adam in the call
28:54 I play Sonic Mania – w/ Rodrigo & Luis in the call
29:29 I play – w/ Jaelynn & Luis in the call
31:10 Jaelynn, Luis, Jacob and I chat
32:15 Luis shares some clips w/ Jacob, Holden, Adam and I