My Coromon Viability Ranking List (December 2024)

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My take on a viability ranking for Coromon from December 2024. Things may eventually change with patch notes in the future, but after many hours of playing competitive, I feel pretty confident on my placement of these for the time being. I also figured I’d just put the end results in the thumbnail because you might not want to watch the full video since it is pretty long, but I put time stamps for my explanation of each Coromon in case there is a specific one you want to see and hear my explanation about. Also, in no way are these specifically ordered within each “tier,” so please do not think that Krybeast is the best Coromon in the game (it’s not). Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

01:50 Krybeast
03:22 Blizzian
04:10 Glacikid and Arctiram
05:33 Glamoth
06:45 Arcturos
07:23 Bearealis
08:34 Volcadon
09:50 Magmilius
11:05 Ashclops
12:18 Infinix
12:43 Vulbrute
13:58 Blazitaur
15:12 Megalobite
16:32 Ucaclaw
17:35 Gelaquad
19:13 Chonktoad
19:43 Swampa
21:12 Daricara
22:22 Atlantern
23:20 Golbeak
24:19 Cyberite
25:55 Lemobi and Makinja
27:49 Humbee mentioned for like 6 seconds (oops!)
27:55 Serpike and Slitherpin
29:21 Armadon
30:25 Malavite
32:19 Skelatops
33:13 Caradune
34:49 Moffel and Dugterra
36:09 Kyraptor
37:05 Sandrill and Tinshell
38:59 Millidont
40:26 Rhynobuz
41:41 Magnamire and Gauslime
43:12 Lumasect and Lampyre
45:35 Toravolt and Deecie
47:13 Houdrion and Houndos
48:46 Eclyptor
50:04 Octotle
50:55 Mudma
52:22 Purrghast
53:29 Orotchy
54:07 Grimmask
55:51 Honorable Mentions

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1 thought on “My Coromon Viability Ranking List (December 2024)”

  1. A Couple of corrections I noticed:

    1) I mention Cyberite having Tactical Retreat, but it is actually Clean Retreat that is has
    2) I claim Caradune has lower physical attack than special attack and that was actually a mistake. It's physical attack is technically higher, but it doesn't really get physical ground STAB whereas on the special side it gets a move like Meteor Shower which has crazy good base power, making it seem more like a special attacker.
    3) Similarly, I claim Purrghast has higher physical attack than special, but that also is incorrect. The thing is though that it only gets Ball of Darkness and Premonition as special attacks, so it is very limited if you go all in on special attacks whereas it has exceptionally good physical type coverage. Again, it feels like an odd design choice.
    4) I only talk about Humbee for like 6 seconds, but basically it is where it is because it is exceptionally good at hitting hard with priority Transcending, allowing it to come in and just revenge kill anything that's been weakened. It is, however, extremely frail on the physical side and is not that good on turns where it can't use Transcending, which is why I have it lower than some of the other Normal Types


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