HUGE Coromon Update! Potential Increase BUFFED, Higher Potential Coromon Spawn Rate Buffed and More!

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This is big news for those who like to shiny hunt, or are looking to get a competitive team going. The potentiflator has been buffed, as did the odds of getting a potent Coromon with 18 or 19 Potential. I’m sure there’s a lot more to come and this definitely has got me excited! No more 1/25 chance for 20 to increase to 21!

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End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
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24 thoughts on “HUGE Coromon Update! Potential Increase BUFFED, Higher Potential Coromon Spawn Rate Buffed and More!”

  1. All I need is the Potentiflator to be buffed but I still gotta listen to the vid so we'll see 😂 it took me 8 hours to get my potent 20 Skarbone to be perfect….
    Edit: YESSSSSSSS too bad my dugterra is stuck at 20 now but that makes me so happy to hear

  2. I need only is not perfect cause i release 25 perfect Coromon for no reason cause i want I'm stupid and i got super lucky i got 3 times encounter perfect Coromon this morning And I now is hard to believe I'm just lucky

  3. I would'nt be playing the game as much without the potential system but I do wish it wasn't implemented in the first place.
    Also if anyone has the time or is bored enough, let's update the Coromon Wiki

  4. Man I know what I'm going to say will be crazy but will you please give me coromon full game as a gift I know what you are thinking why would you want to help me right . I want to say is that when I began playing coromon I instantly became a fan of it but the thing I didn't know is that when the full version game releases I would have to pay for it to play . You know me right I'm a broke player with no money at all so I can't even imagine to pay for any game so I was dependent on free android game but when I played coromon I instantly became of its everything . When I heard that I had to pay for my favourite game I would happily have payed if had that money that's I why asked asked would you please gift me a coromon full game . I wanted to enter your steam key giveaway but I couldn't because of technical difficulties that's why I'm begging you please please reply to my comment

  5. Finally got a potent Toruga for my starter, though it took much longer because I was hoping for a higher potent value, but every potent starter I found only had 17 (at least I think they all did).

  6. Personally potent forms look nicer than perfect, sometimes even standard looks better. I hope we become able to revert a coromon's colour pattern to any rarity before it (Potent can look like standard while Perfect can look like potent or standard).


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