Festivities ~ Coromon Soullocke [Episode 18]

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Sorry about the poor quality of this episode. It’ll be better in the future!

Our Rules of Our Soulock
-Can only catch one coromon per area (using the flute) besides for potents or potent coromon
-If a coromon faints, they will be released
-If our soul linked coromon faints, the corresponding coromon is also released
-Items can be used in and out of battle battle
-We have the ability to use coromon centers as much as we want to
-Both players can have the same coromon/typing but can not have copies of the same evolution line unless it’s potent or perfect
-Shop items are 50% cheaper
-Each area’s coromon are random based on the seed of “21241”

My personal rules (not necessarily followed by Xenvex/Yuta):
-Each coromon has to evolve when they are able to do so
-Each coromon can’t go past the titan level, besides for one (this rule may change)
-Whenever I get stat improvements, they can only go into 2 separate stats and sp

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Xenvex
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/xenvex

My Discord ~ https://discord.gg/NBMcT6Q7Gu

My Raging Persona Referal Link ~ https://www.myragingpersona.com/?ref=lyyb32ij
10% off Coupon Code ~ LUNAMARE


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