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Today, we’re going to be going over the most recent Coromon Trailer and break it down. Also make sure to watch to the end as I had the honour of speaking to the devs and had some of my questions answered.
Coromon Trailer:
Coromon on Steam + Demo Download:
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Official Website:
Follow me On Twitter: @GymLeaderEd
Looks very good can't wait realese date and updates
Game looks great, I love the animated sprites
Main Characters sprite looks god awful. F O R E H E A D
Ive been following this game 3 months ago and I love the demo
Also rewatchingnthe video bit is there glimg to be a lets play
Keep endorsing it bro, spread the word for this amazing game! 😀
So we have Nexomon, TemTem and Coromon. I'm playing and LOVING TemTem but I think Coromon maybe has it's value in those who liked 3rd and 4th Gen because of its visual style. Nexomon is more simple and maybe be better for kids because its also easier. I really hope these new wave of monster capture games shakes Game Freak and Nintendo so next pokémon games will be actually good and complete from the start not some cutdown made to sell DLC
Why the level stop at 23
Really excited to play. I tried a bit of the demo, I like it. I was worried that there only will be 118 but from the trailers it looks like there is a wide diversity in mons, so I am not as worried.
Yeah i like this game
ara ara
lunarwolf is like the absol of the game
is your guys max level is 23?
What is the best coromon??
Hi! Do they have a release date yet?
The animations are gorgeous in this game
I really hope this game blows up I’d love more content from these guys
In Soviet Russia
You ARE the HM slave
This is by far the closest game to Pokemon, imo. The background music and the look of all the available mons just blend in perfectly. Currently battling the 2 devs, but they're hard AF. Lol