Coromon “Shinylocke” Randomizer: When it rains it pours!

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Taking a small break from Pokemon Fanmade games but sticking in the same realm of game! Coromon is a neat monster collector that you can play pretty much anywhere! In this game there aren’t shiny Coromon per say but each mon has a potent and a perfect form that not only have different colors from the original but also better stats! In this series I will be doing a Shinylocke of sorts but strictly Potent and Perfect Coromon! The really neat thing is this game has setting built into it so that way you can customize the game to make it as easier or as hard as you want it! We have a randomizer turned on as well as a setting where if one of our Coromon faints then it automatically gets released!

My “Shinylocke” rules:
1. Must try to catch 1st new Potent/Perfect Coromon encountered on a route/area (once spinners are available)
2. Once Coromon is caught/defeated the route is closed for catching any more Coromon for the rest of the game*
*2a. If there is an event Coromon they don’t count toward the route/area.
3. All caught Coromon must be nicknamed (so if you’re reading this be sure to leave any good nicknames in the comments)

If you want to watch these live I stream over on twitch and here on Youtube now!

Twitch Channel: (Fan Made Pokemon games are streamed Tuesdays 6pm-9pm est)

If you want any updates on my content or when I go live follow me on Twitter and Bluesky!


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