Get Coromon on Steam ➜
Woooo yay so since the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet I’ve decided what a perfect time to continue playing my playthrough of Coromon since I always put things off lol one of my worst habits, my backlog is getting too big, and I need to do something about it lol. This time around we are here exploring the city of Pawbury and its haunting inhabitants, I get around to ghostbusting all the Potent Coromon I lay my eyes on, they just started showing up left and right out of nowhere what a night! Also sorry for being so indecisive throughout my playthrough lol, but we get to add 2 new members to our family! Gonna start trying to use Video Editor to make some somewhat interesting vids so enjoy the ride and thanks everyone and anyone who watches! Don’t forget to support by liking, subbing, and sharing! I also made my very 1st intro/outro lol I like the way it came out for coming up with it on the fly with limited resources lol now I just gotta add some music to it hehe. Anyways I love you all and I’ll I see you around the Ookami-verse!!!!