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Look who’s back 😀
#kenjamin #coromon
Courtesy of Marcel and Jochem on Discord.
Demo 0.6 patch notes:
– Added a new mechanic called Milestones. By playing you progress through the Milestones and gain XP. If you gain enough XP, you will level up as Battle Researcher, and Lux Solis will reward you with a Promotion Bonus.
– We've updated the title screen and introduced a new logo!
– Toruga's shell mysteriously grew some rocky spikes.
– You can now select facial hair for your character.
– Added 2 additional hair colors; white and mintgreen
– Removed the restriction of only being able to lower your difficulty. You can now switch between custom and preset difficulties, and also increase your difficulty.
– The Coromon in your Monster Storage can now be sorted on date/level/Potential/database number.
– Enabling the Trainer Hub limitation setting will now prevent the Monster Storage from healing.
– Updated Spinner animations.
– You can now view older phone messages you received from NPCs.
– Added a new obtainable item: Dream Spinner.
– Added a new obtainable item: Skill Flash I.
– Added a new obtainable item: Energiser Gem.
– After using the Potential Reader, the Potential Value is now always shown in other UI
– Coromon will now always have a Trait.
– Every Squad member will now restore 20% SP after each battle.
– Stat-modifying Skills no longer cost SP.
– SP cakes can now overcharge a small amount, meaning that you can go beyond the maximum amount of SP by using a cake.
– You can now look at the base stats & Skills of your Coromon when distributing Potential statpoints.
– Voodoo now shows the health bar of the targeted Coromon when the target is outside of battle.
– Coin Snatch now gives gold equal to 30% of the opponent's gold bounty on every of its 3 uses (This was 15%, 35%, 50%)
– The fusebox now receives 1.5x damage from Electric Skills
– Updated evasion/accuracy stat boosts.
– Revamped the prologue. It is now even quicker and lets you out of the campus earlier.
– Revamped the narrative at Donar Island. Where did Umbra Noctis go?
– Updated Lux Solis Campus and Radiant Park layout.
– Updated most of the NPC dialogues.
– The Power Tower maps have been redesigned. Don't worry; Mr. Mind is still there!
– You can now interact with the closet in your room to change clothing, glasses and headgear.
– The Coromon Basics book is now a little easier to find.
– For the Broken Teleporter quest you no longer have to look for Tim, a quite random NPC. Instead you are sent to a known location, so players won't get lost.
– Modified several houses to have (open) bedrooms. NPCs need to sleep as well.
– Small improvement in the running animation of characters.
– Updated Voltgar's overworld sprite.
– The Bright Light Trait effect now passively lights up your surrounding when the Coromon with this Trait is the leading Squad member.
– Several settings now have a better description.
– Added a setting to reduce flashes.
– Added a setting to let you choose a Coromon before a wild battle.
– Added a setting to let you choose a Coromon before a trainer battle.
– The Nickname and Summary questions setting now have 3 possible values: "Never", "Ask", "Always".
– Walking/running away after interacting with an NPC is now more convenient. No need to release the button you were holding anymore.
– You can now push to open the fence in Hayville.
– Added a message which explains the Rest Button, the first time you get below 50% SP
– Fixed UI disappearing on mobile devices.
– Fixed being able to skip trainers by using a gauntlet module.
– The camera now moves more smooth.
– Checkpoints are now unlocked on every Power Tower floor.
– Pushable rocks now show a track on the ground to indicate the rock can move around.
– More stable saveslot export option on Android devices.
– Added a stat to your logbook indicating wether you've switched difficulty.
– The Golden Gauntlet's color is now brighter.
I'm glad to be back 😀
When this came out I got 3 perfects and 1 potent
Luckiest moment in Coromon for me