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Coromon ep 29 is here! This is the gameplay of our Blind Coromon Nuzlocke-lite Let’s Play, and Part 29! In this episode we reopen the Dawn Valley so that we can finally enter the Pyramid of Sart. However, this place seems to have TONS of dart traps that will spell our demise if we’re not careful. Whatever you do… beware the traps!
For this Blind Coromon let’s play, we will be doing our own challenge in the shape of a Custom Coromon Nuzlocke, but made just a ‘tad’ easier because I want this to be my ‘first nuzlocke’ that I can actually complete. ;p (In previous Pokemon nuzlockes, I never got past the 4th gym… Which is why I’m calling this easier ruleset a ‘nuzlocke-lite’.)
Coromon Nuzlocke-lite ruleset:
1. Only a single Coromon may be caught per route, using the ‘lux-lure’ mechanic.
2. Rarer ‘potent’ and ‘perfect’ Coromon are seen as additional encounters, and may be freely caught. (limited to a max of 2 potent/perfect Coromon in the team)
3. Every Coromon we catch, must be given a nickname.
4. When a Coromon faints in combat, it may no longer be used.
5. Should a team-wipe occur, 6 dice will be rolled to determine which partymembers have perished. (i.e rolling ‘1-2-4-4-5-6’ means only our 3rd Coromon survives, as it’s number didn’t show up.)
This Nuzlocke-lite ruleset is mostly meant for fun, and with it I intend to finish this game (even if it means adding a 6th rule which allows us to revive some Coromon) so don’t see it as a hardcore nuzlocke. ^w^
Check the game out for yourself: ►
#coromon #coromonnuzlocke #coromonpc
Welcome to the Wolfden! My name is Voltorn Elda and if you’re looking for a serious Let’s Player who pays attention to the lore, world and story of a game, and who loves to be immersed into the games he plays, then you’ve come to the right place. With multiple uploads per week at 8pm CET, you’ll always be able to find something to enjoy. And if currently active Let’s Plays aren’t to your liking? Well, I’ve been making Let’s Plays for a while now, so do check out my previously played blind playthroughs. ^w^
There’s no ‘fake and over the top’ reactions with me, but just pure and honest reactions and gameplay.
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Content on this channel is produced with fair use in mind. Through my commentary I add an entirely new dimension to the games I play. In no way however are my let’s plays a substitute for the games themselves, and thus I always try to advice my viewers to play a game for themselves. A blind experience will always be the best way to experience a game, while a Let’s Play like mine is perfect to ‘re-experience’ the original blind journey.
The artwork for Volty (the little saberwolf), which is used during outro’s and in thumbnails, has been created by the talented Yookie:
Volty’s original design/fur-pattern is designed by me personally, and can’t be used for ‘re-selling purposes’.
Flying High by Vindsvept
Alterations to the song have been made to shorten it’s length for the outro.
If any music has been added during editing, and I’ve somehow forgotten to credit them in this video description, the music is by one of these amazing artists.
Please check them out:
Adrian Von Ziegler:
–link to statement in regards to music usage–
–CC 4.0 license of Vindsvept, found in his video descriptions–
(As the outro of my videos I’ve used the song ‘Flying High’, and slightly adapted it to better fit the time slot)
Kevin Macleod:
–Link to statement regarding use of the music on youtube–
Do note that none if these artists have ‘endorsed’ me or the ‘use’ of my created content, by allowing people to use their music while crediting them.
~Voltorn Elda